Junior Officials Clinic


Last year we initiated the Jr Officials Zoom Clinics for officials 12 to 14 years of age.  This was to assist minor hockey associations in preparing officials for their Jr official's program.  the clinics were very successful and well attended, so we are again offering two clinics for this age group in hopes that this initiative will help with recruitment and retention of young officials along with the Green Arm Band Program.  The dates and times for the Jr Clinics are as follows:

November 16  7:00PM

November 23  7:00PM


Young officials will not have to register for these clinics and there is no cost involved.  We will need any official who wants to participate to send their name, age and current email address to either Mark Hulshof, who will instruct the clinic, or myself so we can make sure they get the Zoom Link for the clinic.


Mark Hulshof   markhulshof@hotmail.com

Rick Hill             rick_hill@live.com